“CARE has been active in Uganda since 1969 and working in the country continuously to-date.”
Project Fact Sheets
CARE International in Uganda is a subsidiary of CARE International, a leading humanitarian and development agency fighting global poverty around the world. CARE has been active in Uganda since 1969 and working in the country continuously to-date, implementing a diverse portfolio of programs and projects ranging from emergency services to economic development and Civil Society building, natural resource governance, climate change, disaster risk reduction and women economic empowerment. Currently CARE runs emergency response and development programs across the country, with its head office in Kampala and sub offices in Arua, Gulu, Kyangwali and Kyenjojo.
The following Tender Opportunities are currently available:
ASSET DISPOSAL BID FORMAsset Disposal Bid Form Instructions for Participation To participate in the purchase of disposal items, please complete this form – Click here. Refer to the attached disposal list (See Button on the right to download asset list) to identify the Lot number of the item you wish to bid on and indicate your bid offer amount. Important Details – A separate form must be completed for each Lot number being bid on. – Items are sold “as-is” and “where-is.” – Note the location of each item as indicated on the list. – Bidding is open from February 19, 2025, to March 3, 2025. – Viewing of items is available from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. – Successful bidders must pay the full amount within one week of being awarded. Terms and Conditions CARE International in Uganda reserves the right to reject any bid or offer and is not obligated to accept the highest offer or sell to any particular bidder. | Disposal List |
INVITATION TO BID – | Vendor Form |
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR A RESEARCH PARTNER TO SUPPORT MONITORING, EVALUATION, RESEARCH, AND LEARNING (MERL) FOR DIGITAL DATA TRAILS FOR CREDIT (DDT4C) INITIATIVEBackground CARE International is a humanitarian NGO committed to working with communities to address the root causes of poverty, focusing on the most vulnerable women and girls. CARE received funding to implement a two-year Digital Data Trails for Credit (DDT4C) initiative funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and led by CARE (prime) in partnership with Ensibuuko and gnuGrid. The initiative seeks to leverage digital platforms, data analytics, and credit scoring methodologies to help women in VSLA graduate from informal collective borrowing to larger, formal individual loans. Through this work, we aim to create robust digital credit profiles and credit scoring systems for both individual members and entire VSLA groups, ultimately enabling more inclusive and productive access to formal credit. The DDT4C will: a) – Develop and implement a collective credit score for 200 VSLA groups. b) – Pilot a new credit product for 375 women who aim to transition from group based loans to formal, individual borrowing. c) – Identify cost-effective models for scaling the digitization of VSLA records, enabling sustainable expansion of credit scoring and reporting services. d) – Undertake a comprehensive causal evaluation to measure the impact and efficacy of these interventions. How to apply Interested organizations or consortia are invited to submit the following STRICTLY by email to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com with the subject “Research Partner for DDT4C”. i) – Expression of Interest: A brief statement explaining why you are interested in this assignment and how it aligns with your organization’s focus and areas of ii) – Expertise. iii) – Technical Proposal (no more than 4 pages) including the proposed approach and description of how you intend to implement and manage the proposed activities. iv) – Organizational Profile and Team Composition: • CVs of key team members who will be involved in the assignment. • Relevant samples of previous work or projects that demonstrate the organization’s experience and expertise Applications shall be accepted NOT later than 7th February 2025 at 5.00pm. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. ANY FORM OF CANVASSING OR LOBBYING FOR THIS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST SHALL LEAD TO AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION. CARE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, SENSITIVE & CORRUPTION & SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE INTOLERENT EMPLOYER | Download pdf |
TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) – | Download pdf |
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING END OF PROJECT EVALUATION FOR EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE IN NAKIVALE PROJECTContext According to UNHCR the total population of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement stands at 178,270 (90,077 Females, 88,193 Males). Among them 77% are women and children who need humanitarian assistance. The refugee influx experienced in the year 2022 and the continued gradual inflow of refugee persons fleeing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is compounding pressure on the already constrained resources within the settlement. Even the key food assistance partner World Food Program (WFP) continues to reduce food/cash ratios per individual through the roll out of prioritization which has greatly affected the increasing number of new arrivals who are yet to be settled to produce their own food within a very short period especially the pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) and children 0-23 months. According to UNHCR, over 500 new arrivals are settled in Nakivale every after 2 weeks since January 2024. With the aim of contributing to the overall food security outcome of improved access to adequate nutritious food for refugees and asylum seekers, Andre Foods International (AFI) in partnership with CARE and TUMAINI in collaboration with Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and Isingiro district are implementing the Emergency Food Assistance project in Nakivale (EFAN). EFAN is a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints funded one year project in Nakivale refuge settlement which aims at providing at least 5,000 most vulnerable persons from 928 households with emergency food assistance. This was after a project modification was approved to adjust project targets from the originally planned 850 households and 4,250 individuals. Background CARE International is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to work with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to Economic and Social Transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. CARE International in Uganda secured a One-year funding from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to improve the immediate food security of the vulnerable new arrivals in Nakivale settlement, Southwestern region Uganda. The project started on 15th November 2023 and will end on 31st October 2024. The project provided food assistance using food vouchers. The provision of the Food Voucher system was defined by a minimum expenditure basket required for at least a period of 3 months per household comprised of 5 people. Since 2019 to date this MEB has been calculated at approximately 308,000 Uganda shillings ($83) per household per month. However, after distributing food assistance to half of the originally planned numbers, a project modification was sought to include households of sizes 4, 3 and 2 members. After the modification, households of size 5 and above received food vouchers worthy UGX 316,100, size 4 received food vouchers worthy UGX 252,880, size 3 received food vouchers worthy UGX 189,660 and size 2 received food vouchers worthy UGX 126,440. Food vouchers were redeemed in real time using the pre-qualified vendors who provide them with food items including Rice, Posho, Beans, Salt and Cooking Oil equivalent to the voucher value. The project outcome is contributing to the overall food security outcome of improved access to adequate nutritious food for refugees and asylum seekers. Duration of the Consultancy The Endline evaluation will be conducted in Nakivale settlement located in Isingiro district. The maximum evaluation period for the evaluation is 10 working days. This period includes time spent reviewing the draft report and providing feedback to the Consultant. Application and Submission Procedure Interested persons/firms MUST submit their proposals to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com The subject of the email should read ‘Application for Conducting EFAN End of Project Evaluation’. No applications will be accepted later than 4th October 2024 Close of Business. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. | Download doc |
STEPS CONSORTIUM – TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING A BASELINE STUDYBackground CARE International is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to working with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. Uganda is the largest refugee hosting country in Africa supporting 1,615,162 refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from South Sudan (57.2%), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (31.3%) and Somalia (3.2%) (UNHCR, Dec 2023). The protracted and volatile conflicts in South Sudan and DRC is the major cause of the continued influx of refugees and asylum seekers. According to UNHCR, between Sep 2022 and Aug 2023, 122,201 new refugees and asylum seekers arrived in Uganda. The ever-increasing refugee population in Uganda is straining further scarce resources in the humanitarian sector, considering that the funding has been dwindling for the past three years and is continuing to dwindle, with only 31% of the overall funding and 35% of the funding for protection (of a total USD 157M required by UNHCR) received by Q3 of 2023. The refugee population still needs multi-sector protection services. The reduction of the plots’ size allocated to refugees and food assistance/rations under the World Food Programme (WFP) prioritization system have further impacted the refugee population, contributing to their increased protection and CP, GBV and mental health risks (UNHCR, 2023). Limited livelihood opportunities result in socio-economic vulnerabilities, protection risks, health and mental health impact, and barriers to education. STEPS Project is funded by the European Union Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) and led by CARE Uganda in collaboration with War Child Uganda and aims to strengthen local partners institutional and leadership capacities while delivering lifesaving protection assistance through a locally led multi-sectoral approach. The project implementation period spans from 1st March 2024 to 30th April 2025.The project was designed to address Uganda humanitarian challenges in refugee contexts. Thematic interventions include Gender Based Violence & Response (GBV), Child Protection (CP) and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). The Consortium members include CARE International (as the lead) in collaboration with War Child Alliance, Transcultural Psychosocial Support Organization (TPO), Tumaini for Refugee Women (TRW), African Women and Youth for Development (AWYAD), Humanitarian Assistance and Development Services (HADS), Uganda Refugee and Disaster Management Council (URDMC), Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC) and Community Empowerment Peace and Development West Nile (CEPADWN). Application and Submission Procedure Interested persons/firms MUST submit their proposals to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.comThe subject of the email should read ‘Application for Conducting STESP Project Baseline. No applications shall be accepted later than the extended date of 3rd September 2024 close of Business. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. | Download doc |
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING END OF PROJECT EVALUATION FOR INCREASED ACCESS TO LIFE-SAVING SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND PROTECTION FOR DISPLACED POPULATION AND HOST COMMUNITY IN RHINO AND IMVEPI REFUGEE SETTLEMENTS, WEST NILE REGION UGANDAContext Uganda hosts the largest refugee population in Africa and the third largest refugee population in the world. According to the Ugandan Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), there are 150 daily new arrivals of refugees from South Sudan. Newly arriving refugees join existing refugee populations for whom resources have been decreasing steadily and are now largely unable to meet basic nutrition, health, and food security needs. The refugee influx constrained the existing services which calls for gap filling through humanitarian response interventions. Many of the settlements are already at full capacity and the costs of opening new settlements, infrastructure and social services are high. Several humanitarian agencies have experienced funding reductions in the last year, despite the continual increase of refugees to the region. The government of Uganda is struggling to fund social services, health services, protection, and livelihood interventions due to existing extreme poverty indices in the region which was exacerbated by COVID-19 impacts. The refugees in West Nile remain amongst the most vulnerable population with limited capacities and opportunities to cope with the socio-economic impacts of the crisis. Background CARE International is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to work with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to Economic and Social Transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. CARE International in Uganda secured a two-year funding from the Germany Federal Foreign Office to improve access to life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, prevent and provide support services to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) survivors in Rhino and Imvepi settlements, West Nile region Uganda. The project started on 1st September 2022 and ending 30th August 2024. The project outcome is increased and equitable use of SRHR and gender-responsive assistance by individuals most affected by forced displacement, especially women and girls to realize their sexual and reproductive health rights and are free from gender-based violence. The project has two results areas. Application and Submission Procedure Interested persons/firms MUST submit their proposals to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com The subject of the email should read ‘Application for Conducting GFFO End of Project Evaluation’. No applications will be accepted later than 10th July 2024 Close of Business. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. | Download doc |
CATALYSING STRENGTHENED POLICY ACTION FOR HEALTHY DIETS AND RESILIENCE PROGRAMME (CASCADE). Background CARE International is a global network of independent national organizations working together across more than 100 countries to save lives, end poverty, and fight social injustice. CARE is a humanitarian and development non-governmental organization committed to working with people of all genders, especially women and girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. Project background CASCADE project has five (5) domain/result areas. Namely i) (1) – Government bodies’ nutrition-related policy actors are better coordinated, and policies are more effectively implemented, (2) – Private Service Providers engaged and supportive in policy implementation, (3) – Community structures facilitate more responsive & equitable nutrition-relevant services, (4) – Women demonstrate agency to make decisions about healthy diets in the households, (5) – Increased synergy by data sharing/Knowledge Management and dissemination. However, the proposed assignment will focus on Domain 2 of the project, which is focused on working with and supporting private service providers to enhance the effective implementation of nutrition-related policy actions In the long term through result area 2, the CASCADE project envisages that “More private sector actors will engage in nutrition-related private service provision. Whereas In the short term, Private service providers offer accessible and affordable products and services that promote healthy diets and resilience to shocks and stress (UNAP strat. 2.7 & 3.1) and; Active Public Private Partnerships in safe foods, health, climate change and environment-established (UNAP strat 3.1 & 2.7). Assignment This assignment will entail extracting policy briefs from legal frameworks, gauging and documenting the extent to which Food & Nutrition policies and action plans are being implemented by PSPs, and the gap, to promote government investment and further engagements of Private Sector players in the nutrition value chain in the country. Submission of proposal All submissions and inquiries should be sent via email to: UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com and the subject line should read “Consultancy for developing Policy and Practices brief” by 21st May 2024. | Download doc |
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO CO-IMPLEMENT DELIVERING WOMEN’S ECONOMIC RESILIENCE THROUGH ENTERPRISE AND MARKET SYSTEMS (DREAMS) INTITIAVIEBackground CARE International in Uganda, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), is implementing the DREAMS project aimed at enhancing the economic resilience of 340,000 women over three years through gender transformative Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) policies, enterprise expansion, and improved market systems. The project will work through Savings Groups (SGs) and Women Enterprises as pathways to build socio-economic resilience, support products, and enabling environment for MSMEs, including underserved women and displaced refugee entrepreneurs. This investment will boost micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME’s) financial resilience and business growth and strengthen the entrepreneurial support ecosystem for women in Uganda. Proposed Interventions and key outputs for the young women Key Outcome: Increased market opportunities, growth, and competitiveness of youth-led enterprises. This outcome area has the following outputs: (1) Young people’s access to affordable financial products, and business development services (BDS) to grow their enterprises; (2) Youth-led enterprises have access to markets for their products and services enhanced; and (3) Digital technologies are designed and adopted by young people. CARE International in Uganda, the lead organization in Uganda, wishes to implement this project in partnership with legally registered eligible umbrella or individual local private sector, NGOs/CBOs with presence in the implementation districts. Eligibility Requirements: Interested applicants should take note of the following. 1) – Must be non-government, non-political and not-for-profit (non-commercial) entity or private sector, especially corporate entities, with capacity to actively skill and retool Female Youth (18-25). Must be registered with the relevant authority at national level or sub national level as applicable. 2) – Must be Ugandan organization with presence of offices in Northern and Southwestern Uganda 3) – You can access the necessary forms to complete your application by clicking the download links below:
Each organisation can only submit one application. Applicants must use the Expression of Interest template and budget template provided. If your organisation meets the criteria set above, submit your application by filling in the application form and sending it to CARE Grants and Contract team through the email; UGA.CARE-Uganda@care.org in English and PDF format. This should not be later than 26th April 2024, 5:00 pm (EAT). NO hand deliveries will be accepted. NOTE: Any form of canvassing will lead to immediate disqualification. Note that conversing with CARE staff regarding the call to influence the selection process is unacceptable and will lead to automatic disqualification. For any questions on the call, please write an email through the following email address: UGA.CARE-Uganda@care.org All issues regarding challenges with downloading templates should be directed to this CARE email. | Download doc |
SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES AND OTHER ASSORTED ITEMSThe Public is hereby informed that CARE International in Uganda will be conducting the sale of various items by public auction (as – is where – is basis). The list of items to be sold and their location can be seen below: Viewing of items will be open to the public on Tuesday 26th March: 10am to Thursday 28th March 5pm in the various offices listed below. 1) – Kampala Country office – Union House. Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue – Bugolobi 2) – Gulu Field Office – Plot 11, Olia Road 3) – Arua Field Office – Plot 21, Oluko Road 4) – Kyangwali Contact office, Kasonga Base camo, Kyangwali refuge settlement, Kikuube 5) – Moroto Field office – Moroto District headquarters, Independence Avenue in Moroto Municipality Application forms can be obtained from the website, evidence of payment of UGX 30,000/- application fees will need to be attached upon submission. Closing date is 3rd April 2024 CARE International in Uganda reserves the right to reject any bid/offer and is not bound to accept the highest offer or sale to any other bidder.
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SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH & ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT – SUPPORTING OUT-OF-SCHOOL ADOLESCENT GIRLS’ RIGHTS AND SKILLS (SHE SOARS) PROGRAM Introduction CARE International is a global network of independent national organizations working together across more than 100 countries to save lives, end poverty and fight social injustice. CARE is a humanitarian and development nongovernmental organization committed to working with people of all genders, especially women and girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. SHE SOARS Project The project aims to increase the enjoyment of health-related rights on the part of extremely vulnerable and marginalized women and girls, particularly out-of-school adolescent girls between 10 and 19 years of age in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. The project has provided training and support for educators and health care providers to ensure that adolescents have access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and provided CSE directly through skills and training packages for youth groups in all three project countries. Consultant Qualifications The interested Consultant should have a long history of experience in public health and sexual reproductive health rights with preferred background and experience in gender. Download Terms of Reference (ToR) document for more information regarding the required qualifications. Proposal Submission Requirements 1) – A technical proposal with a detailed plan of action for field work indicating staff days required. 2) – Specific roles and responsibilities of the team leader, supervisory chain, and other core members of the evaluation team 3) – Schedule of key activities 4) – Detailed budget in local currency 5) – Updated CV of Team Leader and other core members of the Evaluation Team 6) – A profile of the consulting firm (including a sample report if possible) Proposal Submission Timeline Interested and Qualified applicants who meet the criteria indicated in the TOR should electronically submit both Technical and Financial proposals by Friday 22nd March 2024 to; UGA.Procurement@care.org | Download pdf |
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING END OF PROJECT EVALUATION ACCESS PROTECTION EMPOWERMENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND LEADERSHIP (APEAL IV) Introduction CARE International is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to working with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. APEAL IV Project funded by ECHO is a 22-months protection focused project implemented in West Nile and Southwestern Uganda within a refugee context. The project implementation period spans from 1st May 2022 through 28th Feb 2024. The project is implemented in a Consortium approach with CARE International as the lead. The other members of the Consortium include International Rescue Committee (IRC), Save the Children International (SCI), Humanity and Inclusion (HI), War Child Holland (WCH), Transcultural Psychosocial Support Organization (TPO), Days for Girls (DFG), Uganda Law Society (ULS) Community Empowerment for Peace and Development West Nile (CEPADWN) and Tumaini for Refugee Women (TRW). Background APEAL IV Project delivered a comprehensive, integrated, evidence-based protection, GBV, child protection, disability and inclusion, mental health, and psychosocial support response for refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) , South Sudan, other refugee nationalities as well as host communities neighbouring Kyangwali, Kyaka II, Nakivale and Imvepi refugee settlements in Uganda. These settlements are located in Kikuube, Kyegegwa, Isingiro, and Terego districts respectively. During refugee influx new arrival refugees/ asylum seekers were provided with protection services by the Consortium while at the transit centres. The transit centres include Nyakabande, Matanda and Bubukwanga located in Kisoro, Kanungu and Isingiro districts respectively. The project targets 218,233 beneficiaries consisting of refugees and surrounding host communities. Objectives of the Evaluation 1) –MTo assess the extent to which APEAL has contributed towards provision of multi-sectoral responses in protection, GBV Prevention and response, Disability Inclusion, Child Protection, MHM and Mental Health & Psychosocial support to beneficiaries. 2) – To identify and document intended outcomes, unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned as well as challenges experienced during project implementation. (This is important because it will enable management to assess the extent to which the project has contributed towards improving the lives of the communities in which it was implemented, identify and document the intended outcomes, unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned as well as challenges experienced during project implementation.) 3) – The endline survey will assess efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and appropriateness of models, strategies and project approaches applied towards attainment of the project goal. This includes the extent to which gender and resilience makers were considered throughout the project life. 4) – To assess progress made under protection mainstreaming approaches that have been used to strengthen community and institutional duty bearers while delivering protection, GBV, Disability Inclusion and MHPSS services. Approaches under Community Based Protection (CBP) will also be assessed. 5) – Assess the relevance and sustainability of project outcomes, approaches, models, and strategies. 6) – To assess how service linkages and inter consortia referrals under Basic Needs Approach (BNA) have contributed to meeting the holistic needs of beneficiaries supported by APEAL IV Project. Mode of submission: Applications and requisite documents must be sent in soft copy (PDF ONLY) to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com not later than 21st January 2024 at 5:00PM. ANY FORM OF CANVASSING OR LOBBYING FOR THIS EXPRESSION OF INTEREST SHALL LEAD TO AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION. CARE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, GENDER SENSITIVE & CORRUPTION & SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE INTOLERENT EMPLOYER. Please note that CARE International in Uganda does not charge any fees during this process. | Download pdf |
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR GRANTS CONSULTANT ROSTER About CARE CARE International is a global leader dedicated to ending poverty and injustice. For over half a century, CARE International in Uganda has been at the forefront of empowering vulnerable communities, with a special focus on women and girls. Our vision is to impact 10 million lives by 2025 through comprehensive programs in areas like Livelihoods, Climate Resilience, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), and Emergency Response. CARE Will achieve this through working with national partners such as CBOs, Private Sector companies and Government entities. ROSTER OBJECTIVE CARE International in Uganda seeks to establish a roster of skilled Grants Consultants (Individuals or Firms). These professionals will be instrumental in supporting our financial management and partnership processes. Consultants will be engaged on an “as-needed” basis, contributing their expertise to various projects, aligning with CARE’s commitment to financial accountability and effective partnership management. SCOPE OF WORK Selected consultants will be responsible for: 1) – Financial Review and Accountability: Conducting thorough audits/reviews of partner finances, ensuring alignment with donor and organizational standards. 2) – Reporting and Compliance: Preparing and reviewing financial reports, ensuring compliance with both Ugandan regulations and donor requirements. 3) – Budget Management: Monitoring budget allocations and expenditures, identifying and explaining significant variances. 4) – Fund Management: Overseeing the transfer and management of project funds, ensuring proper utilization. 3) – Efficiency Assessment: Evaluating the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of fund usage. 4) – Asset Management: Ensuring the economical use of project equipment and assets, maintaining accurate inventory records. 5) – Policy Adherence: Ensuring that all project activities comply with relevant legal frameworks, contracts, and policies. 6) – Capacity Building: Supporting partner organizations in enhancing their financial management capabilities. Application and Submission Procedure Eligible and interested firms/individuals can obtain the detailed Terms of References from the CARE International in Uganda Website https://www.careuganda.org/tenders-and-bids/ Application documents must be addressed to the Procurement Committee, CARE International in Uganda and submitted by email to UGA.Procurement@care.org not later than 5th January 2024 detailing relevant experience and qualifications. “Indicate the name” as the subject. For any enquiries, please contact CARE International HQ office on Tel: +256 312258100 or by email: UGA.Procurement@care.org. This should be done during office hours between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm. Please note that CARE International in Uganda does not charge any fees during this process. | Download doc |
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST MAINTENANCE OF THE CARE INTERNATIONAL IN UGANDA WEBSITE About CARE International in Uganda CARE International is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We put women and girls in the centre of our work because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. CARE has been working in Uganda since 1969 and we work across all the regions of Uganda. The goal of our 2021-2025 business plan is to reach 10 million people, through our lifesaving and gender transformative humanitarian, development, and nexus programs. We are committed to working with government, private sector, and local civil society, especially women-led and women’s rights organisations. Overall Objective Oversee the management, maintenance, and optimization of CARE International in Uganda’s website (www.careuganda.org) for a period of two years. This includes content creation, technical functionality, user experience, security, and SEO implementation. Application and Submission Procedure Please send your submissions by email to the following address UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com by 10th October 2023 and Indicate Website Maintenance in the subject line. Only applicants who meet the minimum shortlisting criteria will be contacted and will be required to provide evidence of their previous and current work in accordance with the above Terms Of Reference. For any questions or inquiries please call our office line on +256312 258 100 | Download doc |
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO CONDUCT AN ENDLINE SURVEY. Project Background CARE International is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice, with special emphasis on investing in women and girls. CARE International has been working in Uganda for more than 50 years, both supporting the development process and humanitarian responses. CARE International in Uganda in partnership with CARE Austria, and with two partners (CEFORD and THRIVE Gulu) are implementing the five-year (04/2019-03/2024) Women and Youth Resilience Project (WAYREP), a strategic partnership funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). CARE International in Uganda is seeking consultancy services to conduct an endline survey for WAYREP in its final year and the next phase currently being designed. The purpose of the Endline survey is two-fold. Firstly, to assess and document the performance of the project, measure if the project fully attained its intended results by collecting and analyzing data on project outcomes and outputs in comparison with the Baseline, Mid-term and endline performance of the project. Secondly, to collect baseline data for outcome results during the next phase of implementation. This will help to inform the design and implementation of the next phase of the Strategic Partnership. The Consultant-Statistician will provide statistical analysis, exploratory data analysis, and produce data visualization for the WAYREP to feed into the qualitative assessment that will be done to measure changes in the lives of the project participants. Attention should be paid to documenting, assessing, and evaluating the extent to which the project objectives/outcomes have been achieved. Additionally, document the differences and similarities of the project achievements regarding sex, age groups and geographic locations. The consultants are required to propose an appropriate methodology to accomplish the tasks and to include a technical and financial proposal as part of their proposal. Application and Submission Procedure To respond to this call, download the TOR from this page or Contact Nolah Anderu on email Nolah.Anderu@care.org. Qualified individuals/firms who meet the criteria indicated in the TOR are expected to submit their application through email to UGA.Procurement@care.org by 5:30 pm on September 28th, 2023. | Download doc |
THE CONCEPT NOTE AND TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO DEVELOP AND DEPLOY A DIGITAL REGISTRATION, REPORTING AND MONITORING AND EVALUATION INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SELF HELP GROUPS (SHGS).Background UMRA’s mandate Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA), an autonomous body established under the Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Money lenders Act 2016, is responsible for regulating, licensing and supervising Tier 4 MFIs and Money Lenders. Tier 4 MFIs include Non-Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (ND-MFIs), Saving and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) and SHGs. Section 99 of the Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions and Money Lenders Act, 2016 provides that a SHG shall mobilize and manage its own savings, provide interest bearing loans to its members, offer a limited form of insurance to its members, share out member equity at least once a year in proportion to the savings and be time bound. Additionally, SHGs shall be registered for the purpose of developing the economic interests of the group members and may provide, revolving fund, fundraising, rotational group farming or barter trade. The section also specifies that a responsible officer in the district referred to as District Community Development Officer (DCDO) is required to maintain a register of SHGs, submit a copy of the same register and an annual report to UMRA within one month after end of each financial year. The Authority mandates UMRA formulate operational guidelines for SHGs. National Policy, Regulatory and Program Support program (NPRPSP) UMRA finalized and issued SHGs Guidelines with support from Care Uganda under the National Policy, Regulatory and Program Support program (NPRPSP) financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These guidelines will be implemented by stakeholders with a view of promoting safety, sanity and sustainability of SHGs. Proposal Submission Qualified consultants will be recommended and invited to submit the proposal which include the following: 1) – Qualification and experience of the individual/institution. 2) – Approach and methodology to undertake this assignment. 3) – Previous experience in similar assignment(s). 4) – Detailed financial budget (in UGX) and work plan. Qualified individuals/firms who meet the criteria indicated in the TOR are expected to submit their application through email to UGA.Procurement@care.org by 5:30 pm on September 28th, 2023. | Download doc |
CLIMATE INNOVATION CHALLENGE IN KARAMOJAExecutive Summary CARE International in Uganda with funding from DANIDA through CARE Denmark has launched the Climate Innovation Challenge with an envelope of up to USD 167,000. The call comes as a part of the Climate Innovations for Resilience in Karamoja and Kyangwali (CLIRK) project which aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of increasingly mobile pastoralists in Karamoja by supporting sustainable, secure, and productive valley dam-scapes through innovative market-based, income generating water, fodder, food, and security solutions in and around the valley dams. The call seeks innovations to address one or both of the following challenge statements: Climate Challenge 1: – Innovative Approaches to prolonging water retention and access, strengthen governance, and expand interventions around valley dams to grow both food and fodder, coupled with efficient drinking infrastructure for livestock (to reduce silting). Integrated Climate Challenge 2: – Innovative approaches to strengthening resilience with a focus on improved food security for pastoralists and agro pastoralists living around the valley dams especially for women and girls. Application and Submission Procedure 15th Sept 2023 is the deadline for submission of full proposals. Only applications by email will be accepted. The annexes are mandatory requirements. An email will be sent to confirm receipt of the proposal. Send applications to: UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com
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REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)Prequalification of vendors for provision services and supplies for a period of 3 years CARE International in Uganda seeks EOI to shortlist qualified, eligible and experienced applicants provision of goods, services and supplies to CARE International in Uganda. To support the implementation of her projects, CARE International in Uganda intends to prequalify vendors that can offer the following goods, services, and supplies:
Company/ individual applicants should submit electronic applications clearly stating the Reference: Tender/CU/001/2023 and lot number through the CARE International in Uganda Website: www.careuganda.org by Friday 14, July 2023 at 4:00pm. ONLY ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Clarification of application documents A prospective applicant requiring any clarification of the prequalification requirements may notify CARE International in Uganda in writing at UGA.Procurement@care.org. and we will respond in writing to any request for clarification which it received no later than five (5) days prior to the deadline of submission of applications. Note that this email is not for submission of applications. Accessing Application documents Bidder information sheet. Link 1: (https://forms.office.com/e/hAZ32FCciB) Bidding document Link 2: (REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Prequalification 2023 2026.docx ) CARE International in Uganda reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process as well as the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final solicitation documents | Download pdf |
Call For Expression Of Interest To Co-Implement The Project – Women Voice And Leadership (Wvl) Project.Background CARE International in Uganda in collaboration with CARE Canada secured funding from Pathy Family Foundation to implement a five year project (2023-2027) with the overall goal to improve the performance of Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs) and youth led organizations (W/YLOs) to deliver effective women and girls’ health and economic rights programs in refugee/IDP settlements and host communities of West Nile, Northern Uganda. The Women Voice and Leadership project, will be delivered through four key outputs, which include: 1 – Providing multi-year grants to WROs and W/YLOs serving refugee/IDP settlements in Uganda 2 – Capacity building support to grant recipients to strengthen and sustain their organizations and improve their work on women and girls’ health and economic rights 3 – Grants, funding, and organizational support to networks of WROs and W/YLOs working on women’s health and economic rights policy and advocacy. 4 – Capacity building support provided to targeted networks of WROs and W/YLOs to strengthen their ability to raise their voices, influence and advocate on women’s health and economic rights. The project implementation scope covers West Nile and Northern Regions of Uganda. The project will apply CARE tested learning tools and models from its partnerships. Community structures such as women and youth savings and lending economic groups will participate in the WVL project’s advocacy dialogues aimed at questioning gender norms and promote the rights of women and girls. Networks will be built by the WROs and W/YLOs to collectively decide on their advocacy priorities and activities within themes on women’s economic and health rights to create systems change, with facilitation and support from CARE. Application and Submission Procedure CARE will accept proposals only in English. Applications can be emailed to CARE office in Kampala through UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com. Details about this advert can be found on the CARE website www.careuganda.org and applicants can download and complete the detailed forms which include:
No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. | Download pdf |
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO PROVIDE CONSULTANCY SERVICESIntroduction CARE International in Uganda is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice. CARE Uganda places special emphasis on investing in women and girls based on six decades of experience that shows empowerment that benefits the communities where we work. CARE International in Uganda with funding from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and in partnership with CARE Austria, is implementing a three-year Policy Dialogue Small Action Fund IV (1st January 2023- 31st December 2025) and a five-year Women and Youth Resilience Project- WAYREP (1st April 2019- 31st March 2024). Policy Dialogue Small Action Fund and WAYREP are being implemented in Northern and West Nile Regions of Uganda. Policy Dialogue is consortium project in the three East African countries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania aimed at strengthening the capacities for and systematically anchoring policy dialogue within the consortium organizations so that civil society organizations can successfully influence policies in the interest of marginalized people. While the Women and Youth Resilience Project (WAYREP), a 5-year project (April 2019 to March 2024) supporting women and girls as well as young men in refugee, host, and urban communities to realize their rights through socio-economic strengthening, resilience building and reduction of Gender Based Violence (GBV)in Arua and Gulu cities and Omugo host and settlement in Terego district. Application and Submission procedure Eligible and interested firms/individuals can obtain the detailed Terms of References from the CARE Website https://www.careuganda.org/tenders-and-bids/ Application documents must be addressed to the Procurement Committee, CARE International in Uganda and submitted by email to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com and indicate “Consultancy Services” as the subject not later than 26th June 2023. For any enquiries, please contact CARE International HQ office on Tel. +256 312258100 or by email: UGA.Procurement@care.org. This should be done during office hours between 8:00am and 5:30pm. No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. | Download pdf |
CONDUCTING A GENDER EQUALITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION (GESI) ANALYSIS AND A FORMATIVE STUDY FOR THE RESTORE AFRICA PROGRAM IN UGANDA.About CARE International in Uganda Established in Uganda in 1969, CARE has a long history of implementing humanitarian and development projects, responding to the most urgent needs of conflict and disaster-affected populations, assisting the most vulnerable persons with a particular focus on women and girls, and building resilient communities. With over 140 staff and operating across 72 districts, CARE currently reaches over 800,0000 people annually in Uganda. In support of CARE’s Vision 2030 and Uganda’s National Development Plan III, CARE provides critical Gender based violence (GBV) protection prevention and response services, gender transformative programming, as well as climate justice and livelihoods programs across the country. CARE’s main office is in Kampala, with sub/field offices in Arua, Gulu, Kikuube (Kyangwali refugee settlement), Kabarole (FortPortal) and Kotido Districts. CARE International in Uganda is part of a consortium of six organizations, implementing “Restore Africa”, a collaborative program of the Global Evergreening Alliance. The other consortium partners in Uganda are; Catholic Relief Services (lead implementing organization), World Vision Uganda, ICRAF, ECOTRUST and Uganda Landcare Network. The program will work with small scale farmers to restore 560,000ha degraded landscapes in the West Afromontane, Mt. Elgon and part of Karamoja, through multifunctional and profitable agroforestry systems. Aside from contributing to restoration targets, CARE is responsible for gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) across the program in collaboration with the other consortium partners to ensure equitable and sustainable natural resource management that meets the needs of all. CARE will adopt its Gender Equality Framework to support processes and influence positive change through the gender transformative approach. Hence as an entry point and in collaboration with consortium and implementing partners, CARE will undertake a GESI analysis and formative study to inform the design of program interventions. Its against this background that CARE invites applications from competent firms to conduct a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis and a formative study for the Restore Africa Program in Uganda. Application and Submission Procedure Eligible and interested firms can obtain the detailed prequalification/ tender documents. Application documents must be addressed to the Procurement Committee, CARE International in Uganda and submitted by email to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com with subject “Consultancy Services” not later than 16th June 2023. For any enquiries, please contact CARE International HQ office on Tel. +256 312258100 or by email: UGA.Procurement@care.org. This should be done during office hours between 8:00am and 5:00pm. The deadline for receiving applications has been extended to 16th June 2023. PLEASE DISREGARD THE DEADLINE DATE INDICATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOR DOCUMENT YOU DOWNLOAD Note that CARE International in Uganda does not charge any fees during this process No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. | Download pdf |
Call For Expression Of Interest To Co-Implement The Eye Universal SRHR Project(Empowering Young girls and women to decide over their own bodies and Ensure universal access to comprehensive adolescent and youth friendly SRHR information and services)Background CARE International in Uganda, Marie Stopes Uganda (MSU) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) are implementing a three-year project (2023-2025) in Kamuli and Mayuge Districts funded by the Norwegian Embassy. Overall goal To reduce maternal deaths and unintended teenage pregnancies. The three project outputs include: – Empowerment for demand generation for adolescent SRHR. – Strengthening capacity for comprehensive adolescent SRHR Services Delivery, and – Optimizing the Enabling environment for adolescent SRHR services. EYE Universal SRHR project will be implemented in 20 sub-counties:10 in Mayuge and Kamuli District respectively. Through CARE’s tested participatory approaches, the organization will strengthen economic rights and empowerment of young girls through Youth Savings and Loans Associations (YSLA) to accelerate demand for SRHR services, strengthen individual and collective agency/voice of girls and boys to demand for their SRH rights (including MHM), address harmful gender and social norms to promote demand for SRHR services, prevent GBV and teenage pregnancies, Engage men and boys as an effective social and behavioral change campaign (SBCC) strategy to improve girls’ SRH outcomes, such that adolescents and young people aged 10-24, including those in hard-to-reach communities and those most at risk, are empowered to decide over their own bodies, make informed choices, and utilize high quality, integrated SRHR information and services. Application and Submission Procedure CARE will accept proposals only in English. Applications can be emailed to CARE office in Kampala through UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com. Details about this advert can be found on the CARE website www.careuganda.org and applicants can download and complete the detailed forms which include:
No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. | Download doc |
Terms of Reference for Conducting End of Project Evaluation Access Protection Empowerment Accountability and Leadership (APEAL IV) | Download doc |
Terms of Reference for conducting a Gender Meta-Analysis for Scaling up Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) in the Southwestern Districts of Kyenjonjo and KyegegwaBackground to Scale-Up of FFBS Agriculture is a crucial sector for Uganda, accounting for approximately 21.9% of Uganda’s GDP, 86% of its export earnings, and 68% of total employment and all food requirements. More than 80% of Uganda’s rural population, most of the scale farmers, rely on subsistence agricultural production. The contribution to the agricultural GDP by different sub-sectors includes crops (67%), livestock (16%), fisheries (12%), and forestry (4%). Given the pivotal role of rural women in Uganda’s food production systems, agriculture also empowers women and guarantees that they feed their families, including children. CARE and its local partner JESE have received funding from SALL Foundation to Scale up FFBS from August 2022 to September 2025, with the aim of increasing food security and building resilience and incomes of vulnerable women and girls in all the sub-counties in the two districts of Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo, by providing technical assistance to government structures and non-state actors to engage targeted communities in more sustainable ways of farming as a business. Submission of technical and financial proposals Interested consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit a letter of interest, and technical and financial proposals not later than January 30th, 2023, to the email address UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com. The application deadline is 11:59 pm on January 30th, 2023 No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. | Download doc |
Terms Of Reference For Conducting A Behavior Change Campaign For Pet Plastic Recycling In Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA)About the Earth Care project The Earth Care project is an 8 months project, targeting 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) and Gulu City Council (GCC) in Uganda. The purpose of the project is to; – Reduce PET plastic waste pollution in the water and land across GKMA and GCC. – Increase private sector investments into PET plastic recycling sector. – Increase the number of jobs in the PET plastic recycling sector. – Improve skills and capacity of public and private sector to collectively address recycling across GKMA. – Change attitude and behavior of citizens of Greater Kampala towards plastic waste. The project, which is funded by GIZ, will be implemented by CARE International in Uganda with support from CARE Germany and in close collaboration with the leadership of the targeted municipalities Application and Submission Procedure Interested applicants should submit the soft copy(ies) of the a) Financial and Technical proposals and required documents to the CARE Uganda Procurement Unit. An electronic copy of technical and financial proposals should be sent to UGA.Procurement@care.org. The subject of the email/address on the envelope should read “Application to conduct a behavior change campaign for PET plastic recycling in 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). “ The application deadline is 11:59 pm on 27th Dec 2022. No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged.
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Call For Expression Of Interest To Co-Implement Climate Innovations For Resilience In Karamoja And Kyangwali (Clirk) ProjectBackground Specifically, CARE’s response to the climate crisis sets out to tackle the gendered consequences of climate change and natural resource degradation. We address structural and strategic gender needs of women and girls including support women and girls voice and leadership. We are aware that the Climate crisis requires concerted efforts across the board, and we believe that in order to create and multiply impact, we need to work with and through local partners. In view of this therefore, CARE is looking for implementing partners that are interested in working with us on the following four components under the CLIRK project in Kikuube, Kotido, Kaabong and Karenga Districts. Application and Submission Procedure The Formal Expression of interest letter, the completed forms and all attachments should be submitted to CARE through the email; uga.logistics@care.org in English and PDF format. All submissions should be made by email, NO hand deliveries will be accepted. Through the CARE Website: www.careuganda.org under the theme TENDERS, eligible and interested firms should download the forms (ANNEXES 0-IV) in the section below to use in completing your application. Deadline: January 9th, 2023 Full applications must be received by 11:59 PM East African Standard Time. Late submission will not be accepted, and no modification will be made to the call after the deadline. | Download doc |
Annex O : Application Instructions CARE International in Uganda wishes to implement activities under components 1, 4, 5 and 6 of this projects in partnership with legally registered eligible umbrella or individual local CSOs/NGOs/CBOs/business firms with presence in the implementation districts. The kind of partners that we seek:
CARE will accept proposals only in English. Applications can be emailed in one zipped folder to UGA.Procurement@care.org. Applicants must submit the following documents: • A Technical Proposal • A Budget • Attachments 1 – 6, as indicated in the selection criteria (Annex 0).
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Terms of Reference for conducting a gender Value Chain and Market Analysis for Scaling up Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) project in the Southwestern Districts of Kyenjonjo and Kyegegwa Background Agriculture is a crucial sector for Uganda, accounting for approximately 21.9% of Uganda’s GDP, 86percentage of its export earnings, and 68% of total employment and all food requirements. More than 80% of Uganda’s rural population, most of them scale farmers, rely on subsistence agricultural production. The contribution to the agricultural GDP by different sub-sectors includes crops (67%), livestock (16%), fisheries (12%), and forestry (4%). In addition, agriculture also contributes 100% of all material resources for agro-based industries and food crop production. Given the pivotal role of rural women in Uganda’s food production systems, agriculture also empowers women and guarantees that they feed their families, including children. CARE and its local partner JESE have received funding from SALL Foundation to Scale up FFBS from August 2022 to September 2025, with the aim of increasing food security and building resilience and incomes of vulnerable women and girls in all the sub-counties in the two districts of Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo, by advocating for government to adopt an integrated gender transformative agricultural extension approach(FFBS), providing technical assistance to government structures and non-state actors to engage targeted communities in more sustainable ways of farming as a business. The transformative FFBS model will be scaled up and expanded to target 1,250,000 direct beneficiaries (horizontal scale up) and 3,500,000 beneficiaries through advocacy(vertical scale-up) of which 70% of these being women and 30% men through strengthening the technical capacities of old and new producer marketing groups in aspects of Climate Smart Agriculture, financial inclusion and increased productivity, nutrition practices and women participation in decision-making at both household and community level. Submission of Proposals Interested consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit technical and financial proposals not later than November 30, 2022 to the address: UGA.Procurement@care.org | Download doc |
Terms of Reference for conducting a Political Economy Analysis (PEA) for Scaling up Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) in the South Western Districts of Kyenjonjo and Kyegegwa Background Agriculture is a crucial sector for Uganda, accounting for approximately 21.9% of Uganda’s GDP, 86percentage of its export earnings, and 68% of total employment and all food requirements. More than 80% of Uganda’s rural population, most of them scale farmers, rely on subsistence agricultural production. The contribution to the agricultural GDP by different sub-sectors includes crops (67%), livestock (16%), fisheries (12%), and forestry (4%). In addition, agriculture also contributes 100% of all material resources for agro-based industries and food crop production. Given the pivotal role of rural women in Uganda’s food production systems, agriculture also empowers women and guarantees that they feed their families, including children. However, the decisions on what, when, and how much to sell and on the income from the agricultural sales, largely lies in the hands of the man in the home. The root causes for this unfair scenario are cultural norms and patriarchal and societal expectations. This discriminatory gender and social norms exist in most households and focus group discussions held during this survey study confirmed this observation. CARE and its local partner JESE have received funding from SALL Foundation to Scale up FFBS from August 2022 to September 2025, with the aim of increasing food security and building resilience and incomes of vulnerable women and girls in all the sub-counties in the two districts of Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo, by advocating for government to adopt an integrated gender transformative agricultural extension approach(FFBS), providing technical assistance to government structures and non-state actors to engage targeted communities in more sustainable ways of farming as a business. Submission of technical and financial proposals Interested consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit a letter of interest, and technical and financial proposals not later than November 24, 2022, 05:59 to the address UGA.Procurement@care.org | Download doc |
Terms Of Reference For Capacity Building of 50 Hubs in Occupational Health and Safety About the Earth Care project The Earth CARE project is an 8 months project, targeting 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) and Gulu City Council (GCC) in Uganda. The purpose of the project is to; i) – Reduce PET plastic waste pollution in the water and land across GKMA and GCC ii) – Increase private sector investments into PET plastic recycling sector iii) – Increase the number of jobs in the PET plastic recycling sector iv) – Improve skills and capacity of public and private sector to collectively address recycling across GKMA v) – Change attitude and behaviour of citizens of Greater Kampala towards plastic waste The project, which is funded by GIZ, will be implemented by CARE International in Uganda with support from CARE Germany and in close collaboration with the leadership of the targeted municipalities. Consultancy objectives and Scope To enable PET actors in GKMA and GCC tackle their business management gaps through operating bankable businesses collection, CARE will facilitate an empowered PET waste value chain, by identifying business operations, occupational health and safety gaps in PET waste collection and incorporating the unlicensed hubs and collectors into the formal solid waste management eco-system. A turn around step in enabling PET actors run bankable businesses in building their capacity in business management, occupational health, and safety. It’s against this background that CARE is seeking consultancy services to conduct capacity building of 50 hubs in proper business management and occupational health and safety (especially the downstream actors) Applying & Mode of Submission. The interested applicant should submit the soft copy(ies) of the above proposals and required documents to the CARE Uganda Procurement Unit. An electronic copy of technical and financial proposals should be sent to UGA.Procurement@care.org. The subject of the email/address on the envelop should read Application to capacity building of 50 hubs in Occupational Health and Safety in 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) in Uganda. The application deadline is 5:00 pm on 18th November 2022. No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. Deadline: 18th November 2022. Full applications must be received by 5:00PM East African standard time. No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. Note that Conversing with CARE staff regarding the call is unacceptable and will lead to automatic disqualification. All issues regarding challenges with downloading templates should be directed to the CARE email shared above. | Download doc |
Terms Of Reference For Conducting A Behavior Change Campaign For Pet Plastic Recycling In Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (Gkma) About the Earth Care project The Earth Care project is an 8months project, targeting 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) and Gulu City Council (GCC) in Uganda. The purpose of the project is to; – Reduce PET plastic waste pollution in the water and land across GKMA and GCC. – Increase private sector investments into PET plastic recycling sector. – Increase the number of jobs in the PET plastic recycling sector. – Improve skills and capacity of public and private sector to collectively address recycling across GKMA. – Change attitude and behavior of citizens of Greater Kampala towards plastic waste. The project, which is funded by GIZ, will be implemented by CARE International in Uganda with support from CARE Germany and in close collaboration with the leadership of the targeted municipalities. Applying & Mode of Submission. Interested applicants should submit the soft copy (ies) of the above proposals and required documents to the CARE Uganda Procurement Unit. An electronic copy of technical and financial proposals should be sent to UGA.Procurement@care.org. The subject of the email/address on the envelop should read “Application to conduct a behavior change campaign for PET plastic recycling in 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). Deadline: 18th November 2022. Full applications must be received by 5:00PM East African standard time. No applications shall be accepted after this. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, hence early submission is encouraged. Note that Conversing with CARE staff regarding the call is unacceptable and will lead to automatic disqualification. All issues regarding challenges with downloading templates should be directed to the CARE email shared above. | Download doc |
Terms of Reference for a Consultant to Train ECHO-APEAL Consortium Staff on effective Project Management and Core Humanitarian Standards Introduction CARE International is a humanitarian non-governmental organization committed to working with poor women, men, boys, girls, communities, and institutions to have a significant impact on the underlying causes of poverty. CARE seeks to contribute to economic and social transformation, unleashing the power of the most vulnerable women and girls. CARE is implementing Access Protection Empowerment Accountability & Leadership Project (APEAL) funded by European Union Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). The project is implemented in a refugee context by ten organizations operating as a Consortium led by CARE International. Project locations are in West Nile and Southwestern Uganda. Other members of the consortium include International Rescue Committee (IRC), Save the Children International (SCI), War Child Holland (WCH), Humanity & Inclusion (HI), Transcultural Psychosocial support Organization (TPO), Uganda Law Society (ULS), Care and Assistance for Forced Migrants (CAFOMI), Days for Girls (DFG) and Community Empowerment for Peace and Development – West Nile (CEPAD-WN). Background APEAL is delivering a comprehensive, integrated, evidence-based protection, GBV, child protection, disability and inclusion, mental health, and psychosocial support response for refugees from DRC and South Sudan as well as host communities in Uganda settled in Kyangwali, Kyaka II and Imvepi settlements. The settlements are in Kikuube, Kyegegwa and Terego districts respectively. The project targets 136,126 beneficiaries consisting of refugees and surrounding host communities. The project is currently in its fourth phase with an implementation period that spans from 1st May 2022 to 28th February 2023. The project is designed to promote access to services by providing multi sectoral services to beneficiaries through service linkages for their enhanced protection. Purpose and Objectives The purpose of the training is to ensure consortium partners demonstrate effective and efficient use of project management knowledge and skills during project implementation in humanitarian context. Specific objectives include: i.) – To enhance knowledge and skills of participants in project management, design, and implementation ii.) – To harmonize participants understanding of project management concepts as a key element to quality and standardized delivery of humanitarian projects. iii.) – To enhance adherence of Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) by the Consortium in the delivery of humanitarian projects. Applying & Mode of Submission. The Formal Proposal and Budget should be submitted to CARE through the email; UGA.Procurement@care.org in English and PDF in format. All submissions should be made through email, NO hand deliveries will be accepted. Deadline: 7th November 2022. Full applications must be received by 5:00PM East African standard time. Late submission will not be accepted, and no modification will be made to the call after the deadline. Note that Conversing with CARE staff regarding the call is unacceptable and will lead to automatic disqualification. All issues regarding challenges with downloading templates should be directed to the CARE email shared above. | Download pdf |
Terms of Reference for a baseline evaluation the Scaling-up of the Farmer Field and Business School (SUFFBS) in Uganda Background This is a follow on intervention to the SFtW (She Feeds the World) project that was implemented between 2018 and 2022 within some of the sub-counties of Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa. SFtW project contributed to the improvement of food and nutrition security of 120,000 vulnerable people and their families directly, with a strong emphasis on women small-scale producers. However, despite the notable significant impact seen by increased women participation in leadership, increased yield and household income, and transformation of men, there is still limited impact compared to the need. The project has also achieved less in targeting new user groups and sectors, limited expansion of markets and leveraging the private sector linkages for the most marketable agricultural value chains. Remarkably limited government engagement and adoption of the FFBS model could be incorporated within the government extension and production delivery mechanisms and its alignment to the PDM. Furthermore, there is limited research, documentation, lessons, and learnings of the best practices that could be replicated in other programs. The Baseline Evaluation The consultant is expected to work closely with the SUFFBS project team and provide overarching strategic guidance and advice to the entire baseline process. The SUFFBS team has already made a solid start on preparations for the baseline for the consultant to review and revise as he or she sees fit, once on board. A draft baseline protocol and MEAL Plan has been developed. In addition to reviewing this preparatory work to date, the consultant will lead on data analysis and reporting. Data collection in the field will be implemented by the CARE Uganda team, with guidance of the consultant. Applying We look forward to receiving your bid by October 10, 2022. Bids should include the company, organisation or consultants’ profile, experience, writing samples and references as well as a suggestion of the methodology, time and action plan, a proposed budget and if necessary, suggestions and recommendations to the Terms of References. Please send it to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com | Download doc |
Terms Of Reference For Mapping Actors In The Polyetytene Terephthalate (Pet) Plastic Waste Value Chain Background – About the Earth Care project The Earth Care project is an 8months project, targeting 10 municipalities of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) and Gulu City Council (GCC) in Uganda. The purpose of the project is to: • Reduce PET plastic waste pollution in the water and land across GKMA and GCC. • Increase private sector investments into PET plastic recycling sector • Increase the number of jobs in the PET plastic recycling sector. • Improve skills and capacity of public and private sector to collectively address recycling across GKMA. • Change attitude and behavior of citizens of Greater Kampala towards plastic waste. The project, which is funded by GIZ, will be implemented by CARE International in Uganda with support from CARE Germany and in close collaboration with the leadership of the targeted municipalities Consultancy objectives and Scope To enable GKMA and GCC tackle the collection gap and its related challenges, CARE will facilitate a better coordination mechanism of the PET waste value chain, by identifying gaps in coverage of PET waste collection and incorporating the unlicensed hubs and collectors into the formal solid waste management eco-system. A critical step in facilitating better coordination is the mapping of existing and identifiable actors in the PET recycling value chain i.e., formal hubs, informal collection sites, waste aggregators and processors (including factories) and developing a database of these actors. It’s against this background that CARE is seeking consultancy services to undertake a mapping of PET actors (especially the downstream actors). | Download doc |
Terms of Reference For – Rapid Market Assessment for Plastic Waste Project in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, Kikuube District – Southwest Background With funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation through CARE Denmark, CARE International in Uganda is implementing an innovative humanitarian Climate Adaptation & Mitigation Project (CAMP+) that seeks to create the world’s first sustainable refugee settlement– where refugees can go from passive to active citizens and create an environment that gives more back to nature than it takes. The project is implemented in Kyangwali Settlement in Kikuube district, Southwest of Uganda for a period of 12 months from 1st Aug 2021-31st Jul 2022. Purpose and scope of the Baseline and Market Assessment The overall aim of the assignment is to undertake a baseline market assessment of plastic waste business in Kyangwali Refugees Settlement. The baseline shall provide benchmarking figures for scaling up the plastic collection and recycling business under CAMP+. The market assessment will inform the existing and potential plastic waste market for plastic waste products and services in Kyangwali refugee settlement and beyond. | Download doc |
Call for Partnerships on Youth & Climate Adaptation Program Background Africa’s burgeoning population estimated at 1.3 billion in 2020 is the youngest globally, with 60% under 25 years and a third aged between 15 and 34 years. Moreover, Africa’s youth population is rapidly growing and expected to double to over 830 million by 2050. Climate change is reshaping the world youth are due to inherit. As the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA)’s State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2021 (STA21) shows, Africa’s youth generations will bear the costs of climate change in the coming decades. Without adequate action, GDP could decline by 30% over baseline in Africa. Negative impacts can be reduced if appropriate adaptation action is taken now. STA21 also shows that youth in Africa are the most educated generation ever but are not yet engaged on a significant level due to primary needs including education and employment. In addition, youth are often excluded from taking on leadership roles and political activities. STA21 is very clear that there is a need for young people to engage in political and social processes and policymaking. “Including and encouraging youth participation in decision-making related to climate change is critical to make sure that choices, investments, and interventions have their support and are responsive to needs.” | Download doc |
Terms of Reference For Developing a Technical Guidance Note for Micro catchment-based Planning Background Since 2019, CARE together with her partners under the Partners for Resilience Alliance (PfR) have been implementing a project on “Upscaling Community Resilience through Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction” (ECODRR) in micro catchments of Aswa River, specifically in the 5 districts of Otuke, Agago, Alebtong, Abim, and Kotido. The project aimed at strengthening Integrated risk management and governance, through Implementing models around Ecosystem management and Restoration, Climate change adaptation/livelihoods and Disaster Risk reduction. As a means to upscale the models, the different partners embraced the Catchment based Integrated Water Resources Management (CbIWRM)approach, including processes to bring local stakeholders together to develop micro-catchment plans, aimed at integrating local vision into long term plans that can be carried by the local beneficiaries, and that are owned and understood at the local level. | Download doc |
Tender for Construction of Livestock Infrastructure in Karamoja The consortium of CARE International in Uganda (on behalf of CARE Denmark-Lead), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro-pastoral Development Organization (DADO), and SORUDA is currently implementing ‘Inclusive market-based development for smallholder farmers in Northern Uganda Project benefiting 68,250 households (60% Women) smallholder farmer households in Karamoja, Katakwi and Kitgum under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), a government of Uganda program supported by European Union supervised by the office of the prime minister. Contractors from the project area are especially encouraged to apply. – Qualified and interested bidders should submit their sealed bids to: The Procurement Committee (C/O Head-Procurement Department), CARE on P. O. Box 7280, 5th Floor, Union House. Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue – Bugolobi, Kampala Uganda or CARE- KOTIDO Field office, not later than 31st May 2022. – For any queries and clarification call telephone numbers: +256 (0) 312258100 | Download doc |
Tender for Construction of Livestock Infrastructure in Karamoja The consortium of CARE International in Uganda (on behalf of CARE Denmark-Lead), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro-pastoral Development Organization (DADO), and SORUDA is currently implementing ‘Inclusive market-based development for smallholder farmers in Northern Uganda Project benefiting 68,250 households (60% Women) smallholder farmer households in Karamoja, Katakwi and Kitgum under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), a government of Uganda program supported by European Union supervised by the office of the prime minister. Contractors from the project area are especially encouraged to apply. – Qualified and interested bidders should submit their sealed bids to: The Procurement Committee (C/O Head-Procurement Department), CARE on P. O. Box 7280, 5th Floor, Union House. Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue – Bugolobi, Kampala Uganda or CARE- KOTIDO Field office, not later than 31st May 2022. – For any queries and clarification call telephone numbers: +256 (0) 312258100 Tender for Construction of Livestock Infrastructure in Karamoja The consortium of CARE International in Uganda (on behalf of CARE Denmark-Lead), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Gulu Agricultural Development Company (GADC), Dynamic Agro-pastoral Development Organization (DADO), and SORUDA is currently implementing ‘Inclusive market-based development for smallholder farmers in Northern Uganda Project benefiting 68,250 households (60% Women) smallholder farmer households in Karamoja, Katakwi and Kitgum under Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU), a government of Uganda program supported by European Union supervised by the office of the prime minister. Contractors from the project area are especially encouraged to apply. – Qualified and interested bidders should submit their sealed bids to: The Procurement Committee (C/O Head-Procurement Department), CARE on P. O. Box 7280, 5th Floor, Union House. Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue – Bugolobi, Kampala Uganda or CARE- KOTIDO Field office, not later than 31st May 2022. – For any queries and clarification call telephone numbers: +256 (0) 312258100 | Download pdf |
Terms of Reference for Conducting End of Project Evaluation Access Protection Empowerment Accountability and Leadership (APEAL III) – Interested persons/firms MUST submit their proposals to UGA.Logistics@careuganda.zohodesk.com. Hard copies applications should be sent to Care International P.O Box 7280, Kampala (Union House 5th Floor, Luthuli Avenue). The subject of the email/address on the envelop should read Application for Conducting APEAL End of Project Evaluation. No applications shall be accepted. | Download pdf |
Terms of Reference For Conducting an End of Project Evaluation For – PROMOTING SOLAR POWERED ENERGY EFFICIENT STOVES IN KYANGWALI REFUGEE SETTLEMENT (PROSPERS) – Deadline for submission of application: Monday, 3rd March 2022 Close of Business. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. | Download pdf |
TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) – Developing Animated Training Videos for the Chomoka Application – Deadline for submission of application: February 23rd 2022 Close of Business | Download doc |
Terms of Reference End of Project Evaluation – She Feeds the World (SFtW) – Deadline for submission of application: February 15th 2022 Close of Business | Download doc |
Call For Expression Of Interest To Co Implement Sexual And Reproductive Health & Economic Empowerment Supporting Out Of School Adolescent Girls’ Rights And Skills ( She Soars) Project.
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CARE’s global humanitarian mandate shall also come to bear as and when an emergency hits Uganda.
Thank you to all who supported us on this journey, including the untiring colleagues at CARE International in Uganda.