Photo Gallery

Photo Credit: Current and past staff & consultants with CARE International in Uganda. (Click image to enlarge)

DRC Refugee Crisis

DRC Refugee Crisis

More than 14,000 refugees, the large majority women and children, have fled the…


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Uganda since December 18th 2017, following increased conflict, according to figures from Government of Uganda and UNHCR, said agency CARE International.

Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program (NUWEP)

CARE International in Uganda’s Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Program is a multi-year…

post-war recovery and development program comprising a coherent set of initiatives designed to contribute to sustainable positive change and social justice in the lives of women and girls of reproductive age affected by armed conflict. Its goal is to achieve a society where poor and vulnerable women and girls of reproductive age and conflict-affected youth are empowered to demand and enjoy their full unive

Women Empowerment in Natural Resource Governance (WENG)

CARE Uganda’s Women Empowerment in Natural Resource Governance (WENG) is…

a multi-year development program implemented through a rights-based approach. The program uses evidence to promote best practices and conducts policy advocacy to support the formulation and implementation of policies supporting good governance, fairness and equity in natural resource management. Its goal is to assure women’s and girls’ right to utilize natural resources to make positive and environmentally sustainable.

Women and Youth Financial Inclusion Program (WAYFIP)

CARE International in Uganda’s Women and Youth Financial Inclusion Program (WAYFIP)

is a multi-year development program comprising a coherent set of initiatives designed to promote equitable financial inclusion and expand economic opportunities for women and youth. CARE has become a leader in financial inclusion for poor women and girls in Uganda and has established and mentored more than 28,527 Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) since 1998. WAYFIP’s goal is to achieve a society

Emergency Assistance: Refugee Camps

Since conflict broke out in South Sudan three years ago, more than 600,000…

people found refuge in neighbouring Uganda. The latest bout of violence which started in July 2016 is still forcing up to 300 South Sudanese to flee to Uganda’s Rhino refugee settlement on a daily basis. Most of them are women and girls. CARE is supporting the refugee community with shelter construction, the distribution of hygiene kits and the installation of water tanks as well as i