UNITE! Activism to End Violemce against Women & Girls
16 Days of Activism Campaign 2022
The challenges we had during Covid-19 lock downs and what have you, the women and girls based violence was at the highest gear... Kalsum Abdu - Woman Representative (Central Division, Arua City)
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Video Credit: Current and past staff & consultants with CARE International in Uganda. (Click to play video)

Day 1
What several stakeholders are saying about the 2022 #16DaysOfActivism Campaign under the theme: UNiTE! Activism to End Violence Against Women & Girls.

Day 2
Women leaders commit to create awareness during the #16daysofactivism to empower women to grow to their full potential and also participate in leadership.

Day 3
CARE International in Uganda is working to increase the capacities and resilience of women and girls who have been greatly impacted by Climate Change.

Day 4
CARE's focuses on women and girls because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Day 5
GBV is cross cutting however people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable people in the face of GBV. Find out their issues and what you can do about.

Day 6
Women and girls based violence is having a toll on families, children, women and girls.

Day 7
Women and girls Equality is one of the Sustainable Development Goals, unless women are empowered economically, there will be disparities in incomes between men and women.

Day 8
Access and use of digital technologies by both men and women can contribute to reducing the digital divide as well as reduce GBV.

Day 9
We all need to work together to create a safe and equal women and girls environment for everyone.

Day 10
Harassment and any form of violence at the work place should not be tolerated, we need to create safe spaces where people speak up.

Day 11
Women's rights continue to be violated however we can all work together to change the narrative.

Day 12
We need to unite to fight against HIV

Day 13
There is need to create awareness about GBV in rural communities in order to empower them on speaking up.

Day 14
We need different actors to work together in the fight against GBV.

Day 15
When a woman says No, it should be respected.

Day 16
We need to work together as partners to mobilize resources towards prevention, mitigation and response to GBV.