Project Fact Sheets for CARE International in Uganda - Strategic Program Areas (i.e. Livelihoods, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Humanitarian Action.)
“CARE International in Uganda is implementing an innovative project: Promoting Solar Powered Energy Efficient Stoves .”
CARE International in Uganda is a subsidiary of CARE International, a leading humanitarian and development agency fighting global poverty around the world. CARE has been active in Uganda since 1969 and working in the country continuously to-date, implementing a diverse portfolio of programs and projects ranging from emergency services to economic development and Civil Society building, natural resource governance, climate change, disaster risk reduction and women economic empowerment. Currently CARE runs emergency response and development programs across the country, with its head office in Kampala and sub offices in Arua, Gulu, Kyangwali and Kyenjojo.
Based on participatory context analysis, CARE identified the following four priority program areas: Livelihoods, Climate Justice, Gender Justice, Humanitarian Action.
Click any titled tab below to download and view the Project Fact sheets in pdf format as classified according to the four program areas.
The following is a list showing the Project Fact Sheets in the Livelihoods Program area:
The Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment & Resilience (AWEAR) in the South Sudanese Emergency Response Project Background Funded by the UNWomen Uganda, this project is aligned with key policy and strategic frameworks at the national level. These include the 2006 Refugee Act & the 2010 Refugee Regulations, the Protection and Solutions Strategy Uganda 2016-2020, the Government’s Refugee and Host Populations Empowerment Strategy (ReHope), the Settlement Transformative Agenda (STA), as prioritized in the Uganda National Development Plan II and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). | Download PDF |
Development Initiative For Northern Uganda (DINU) Program Inclusive Market-Based Development For Smallholder Farmers in Northern Uganda Project Background The project is using model groups as “centers of excellence” to promote farming practices, marketing, nutrition, and sexual reproductive health rights and family planning. | Download PDF |
Increasing Women’s Financial Autonomy and Empowerment through Digital Sub-Wallets & Household Dialogues Background CARE worked with research partners, DoubleXEconomy and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), to identify prioritized savings categories for longer-term savings goals. | Download PDF |
She Feeds The World (SFTW) Background In Uganda, SFTW project aims to improve the food and nutrition security of poor rural households, with a strong emphasis on women small-scale producers. Direct beneficiaries include the FFBS farmers and their households, other community-based groups and households targeted with leadership development and nutrition messaging, and government and civil society actors that receive training from CARE. | Download PDF |
National Policy Regulatory Program Support (NPRPS) Background Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) identified Uganda as a focal country with demonstrated momentum to build Women Economic Collectives (WECs) in Africa such as Savings and Women’s groups because these are already embedded in the fabric of communities, civil society organizations as well as government. | Download PDF |
The following is a list showing the Project Fact Sheets in the Climate Justice Program area:
Climate Adaption and Mitigation Project (CAMP+) Background With funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation through CARE Denmark, CARE International in Uganda is implementing an innovative humanitarian Qimate Adaptation & Mitigation Project (CAMP+) that seeks to create the world’s first sustainable refugee settlement – where refugees are active citizens who are creating an environment that is user friendly to nature. The project will be implemented in Kyangwali Settlement in Kikuube district, South West of Uganda. Project will run for 12 months from 1stAug 2021- 31st Jul 2022. | Download PDF |
Strengthening Emergency Preparedness & Inclusive Natural Resources Management In Refugee Hosting Districts Background The demands on ecosystem services from rapid refugee influxes outpace planning and implementation of remedial measures. As a result, the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and partners have declared environmental protection and restoration, a major priority under the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF)’s second and third pillars, as reflected by the decision to develop a specific refugee response plan on Water and Environment. | Download PDF |
Upscaling Community Resilience Through Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction (ECODRR) Background The North and North Eastern parts of Uganda experience frequent and prolonged disasters in form of droughts and floods, due to increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns, which have impacted on agricultural land use, shortened the growing seasons to three-five months, undermined the availability of water resources, altered food and nutrition security, causing increased mobility of communities. The Eco-DRR based activities, planned under this project, will strengthen the capacity of communities and the catchment management organization structures to enhance resilience, notably through strengthening the natural resource base of the targeted area on which the livelihoods of the community depend. | Download PDF |
Partners For Resilience Climate Proof Disaster Risk Reduction (PFR) Background The programme “Climate-proof Disaster Risk Reduction” of the Partners for Resilience aims to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the livelihoods of 750.000 – 1.000.000 vulnerable community members. The programme is implemented in nine countries: Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Nicaragua, Philippines, and Uganda. | Download PDF |
Promoting Solar Powered Energy Efficient Stoves (PROSPERS) In Kyangwali Refugee Settlement Background CARE International in Uganda is implementing an innovative project: Promoting Solar Powered Energy Efficient Stoves in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement (PROSPERS) that seeks to promote accessibility to quality and affordable clean energy solutions to refugees and host communities with special attention to women and girls. | Download PDF |
Tripple Nexus Project: STRENGTHENING CONFLICT & GENDER SENSITIVE COMMUNITY RESIELIENCE IN PROTRACTED CRISIS IN NORTHEN UGANDA AND CENTRAL EQUATORIA Background To contribute to gender equality, empower women and girls, to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. | Download PDF |
Strengthening Resilience And Promoting Inclusive Governance (STRENPO) Project Background CARE works with partners JESE and RICE-WN at community level to institute a structured way of project delivery, using project officers appointed by the partners’ structures are created through which the different CARE models are implemented. | Download PDF |
The following is a list showing the Project Fact Sheets in the Gender Justice Program area:
Advancing SRHR Through The Promotion Of Innovation And Resilience (ASPIRE) Background CARE under Aspire project implements Social Analysis and Action (SAA) and Values Clarification and Attitude Transformation (VCAT) activities with members of Village or Youth Savings and Loan Associations (V/YSIA) to shift gender and social norms in V/YSLA so that women and adolescent girts are empowered with SRH information and economic potential to purchase SRH services that are not provided in public Health Facilities. | Download PDF |
Ensuring Access To Emergency Maternal New-born And Child Health And Wash Services For South Sudanese Refugees And Populations In West Nile Uganda During COVID-19 Pandemic Background The project works to support district and country readiness to ensure the continuity of integrated MNCHservices in order to reduce morbidity and mortality among mothers and new-borns during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Download PDF |
Eastern Africa Social & Gender Norms Learning Collaborative (EALC) Background The vision for the Eastern Africa Social and Gender Norms Learning Collaborative (EALC) is to support effective program implementation and scale-up with evidence-based approaches. This will be achieved through support to a community of practice (CoP) and sharing of expert knowledge and resources. | Download PDF |
Women Lead In Emergency: Life Saving Protection, Women’s Leadership In Emergency, And SRMH Support For Refugees In Uganda Background GAC 4 project aims to provide Protection, Sexual Reproductive Maternal Health and Livelihood intervention, prevent and respond to Gender based violence by providing appropriate and timely protection-specific services. The project will support, mentor and build capacity for the community Based organisation and CARE staff to adopt women leadership methodologies and continue support to the women groups in the settlements. | Download PDF |
Sexual And Reproductive Health & Economic Empowerment Supporting Out Of School Adolescent Girls’ Rights & Skills (SHE-SOARS) Background SHE SOARS delivers inclusive, holistic SRHR, life skills, and financial literacy programming for out of school adolescent girls and boys. Crucially, SHE SOARS works alongside communities to facilitate deep engagement to provide evidence-based SRHR information and address and transform the root causes of gender-based inequalities that result in poor SRHR outcomes and that limit life choices and opportunities for adolescent girls. | Download PDF |
Women, Adolescents And Youth (WAY) Rights And Empowerment Background The project is being implemented in eleven and refugee settlements Gender injustices are propagated by social and gender norms beliefs, and practices that limit access to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for women and girls and ending Gender-Based Violence in emergencies (GBViEs) and host communities. Girls and boys reached with GBV/SRHR information in the 336 school clubs supported in 10 districts and 23 refugee settlements. | Download PDF |
Women And Youth Resilience Project (WAYREP) Background WAYREP is strengthening the resilience of refugee and Ugandan women, girls and youth to live a life free from violence through increasing self-reliance. WAYREP works to enhance sustainable and dignified livelihoods for women and youths, reduce acceptance to GBV, enhance support to GBV survivors and ensure increased accountability of the government of Uganda on the implementation of relevant frameworks for women and girls’ protection and rights. The project targets women, girls and youth in urban areas of Gulu and Arua cities, rural and refugee-hosting communities in Terego district (Omugo host and Omugo settlement) | Download PDF |
The following is a list showing the Project Fact Sheets in the Humanitarian Action Program area:
Access Protection Empowerment Accountability And Leadership (APEAL) For Refugees & Host Communities In Western & Northern Uganda Background Access Protection Empowerment Accountability and Leadership (APEAL) for Refugees & Host Communities In Western & Northern Uganda (APEAL) delivers a comprehensive, evidence-based and people-centred Protection, Gender-Based Violence, Mental Health and Psycho-social Support response for refugees from DRC and South Sudan and host communities in Uganda. | Download PDF |
Enhanced Emergency Preparedness Of Kikuube District Background Located in mid-western Uganda, Kikuube was established in July 2018 and hosts one of the fastest growing refugee settlements in Uganda. Kyangwali is currently hosting 122,042 refugees mostly from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This refugee influx has created additional stresses to all public services in Kikuube, and has reinforced the needs to support the district in disaster and emergency preparedness and their capacity to lead in the response. Kikuube District is implementing a European Union Trust Fund funded project titled ‘Enhanced Emergency Preparedness in Kikuube District’ through CARE International in Uganda, as the main collaborating partner. This collaboration is aimed at improving service delivery across various sectors including health, education and environment | Download PDF |
Physical Address:
5th Floor, Union House, Plot 78, Luthuli Avenue, Kampala.
Tel: +256 31 2258100
Thank you to all who supported us on this journey, including the untiring colleagues at CARE International in Uganda.